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How to Drive in Heavy Rain

How to Drive in Heavy Rain

No matter the season, we often have to deal with getting caught driving in the rain. While even light rainfall can cause challenges for drivers, heavy rain that causes deep puddles and limited visibility can severely impact overall traffic safety. How to drive in...

What is Gap Insurance and Why Do I Need It?

What is Gap Insurance and Why Do I Need It?

There's nothing like that feeling of purchasing a brand new vehicle and driving it off the dealership lot. The problem is that most new vehicles lose 20% of their value within a year. So what happens if you get into an accident or your new vehicle is stolen and you...

Does Car Insurance Cover Flooding?

Does Car Insurance Cover Flooding?

If you live in an area prone to heavy rains and flooding, you may be wondering whether your auto insurance would cover you for flood damage. If you have a comprehensive or full coverage policy with MAPFRE, then we will likely cover damage caused to your vehicle in the...

The Benefits of Adding the Elite Package Endorsement

The Benefits of Adding the Elite Package Endorsement

When you shop for auto insurance, MAPFRE knows you want the right coverage at an affordable price. Auto insurance is legally required to operate a vehicle and is necessary to register a car in Massachusetts. There are also four types of mandatory car insurance...

How to Calculate Insurance for a New Car

How to Calculate Insurance for a New Car

With the high cost of living, it is necessary to find ways to reduce expenses. While minimum auto insurance coverage is a legal requirement in most states, drivers should take adequate insurance to avoid financial turmoil, particularly when you’ve purchased a new car....