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Do I need to purchase rental insurance when renting a car?

A: Not necessarily. In Massachusetts, your auto insurance policy follows you in the U.S., Canada and U.S. territories when you rent a car, so the extra rental insurance is not necessarily needed. But, here are some situations where you want to think about adding the...

MAPFRE Insurance Featured in IMPACT Magazine

The Insurance Information Institute’s latest issue of IMPACT magazine is hot off the press. The magazine captures the insurance industry’s many contributions to the community. MAPFRE Insurance is featured on pages 6-7. Give it a look!

An Umbrella for a Rainy Day

Let’s face it. Most of us are not wealthy. A severe loss event could put a real hardship on us that we might struggle to ever recover from. If a major accident exhausts the liability coverage you have already paid for, you might find yourself in a tough spot—and your...